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"I want this moment to be something we look back on ten years from now and realize this was the beginning of a great relationship between the two of us–all we had to do was the hard work to get there."
- Chris Voss

Changing lives

"People like us do things like this."


To invest in an idea that will change the world for the better, cliche aside, is an extraordinary opportunity to use our time, talent, and treasure to transform today's youth's  view of the world. And themselves in the bargain–it's the greatest gift of all.


There's no risk to donating; but there is a risk to commitment. There are no comfortable problems left to solve in this day and age–only uncomfortable ones. There are no easy solutions. Never were. So let's roll up our sleeves and confront them together, connect the disconnected, organize our tribe, and invest in a community and cause we believe in. Guaranteed it's going to be an enlightening and meaningful experience for all of us.


Studies show that giving leads to greater fulfillment and satisfaction–it's certainly something worth celebrating–and a way to find our true calling. "The meaning of life is to find your gift," Shakespeare said. "The purpose of life is to share it with the world."


We have depended on the generous donations from many individuals and organizations to keep the Academy forever tuition free for all of our students. We're humbled and grateful, and can't thank our generous benefactors enough, publicly or privately.


Money makes the world go around, but there's more than one way to show your love and support. Have a beautiful old boat or classic vintage car that you know by now you're never going to get to, but still want to see someone young and gung-ho sailing on the main, or flying hell-bent down the highway, happy? If it drives, floats or flies–in any condition, good, bad, or ugly–we welcome anything you'd like to donate.


What about a lifetime of skill and experience, an honest career of honed craftsmanship and passion, or entrepreneurial success you'd like to share with another generation who are eager and patient for the knowledge and skills that only you can offer? Our door is wide open to volunteers, experts, and masters in every field of endeavor, high and low from marketers to life coaches to mechanics to talk show hosts.


Seriously, we're eternally grateful for all the support and kindness we've received so far–the Academy wouldn't be here without your generosity and largesse. To be good stewards of this responsibility and trust, we work hard every day to pay this kindness and our hard-won wisdom forward, in practical and real-world ways.


Old's Cool Academy is a 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt corporation– if you're interested in making a donation of any size, kind, condition or currency but want to speak with us first, please call/text us on (401) 572-7090, or email us at:


Otherwise, you can make your tax-exempt contribution by clicking any of the "Donate Now" buttons below.

How committed are you?

We rely completely on donations and fundraising to operate the Academy so that tuition can be free to all those who qualify.




A $19,445 donation will sponsor a student for the entire year. This can be for a specific student of your choice, or anonymous. If you want to make this an annual contribution, you will be able to name the scholarship after whomever you'd like.


Here's what your donation will provide:


"The Great Books"                                                                            $695


The Aeneid, The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, A Tale of Two Cities, Lolita, Heart of Darkness, Trojan Women, Robinson Crusoe, Treasure Island, The Great Gatsby, All Quiet on the Western Front, Lord of the Flies, West with the Night, Empire of the Sun, Arabian Sands, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People, Liar’s Poker, The Prince, Cosmos, The Worst Journey in the World, Walden Pond, Frankenstein, Brave New World, The Iliad, The Odyssey, Roman Lives, Montaigne’s Essays, U.S. Constitution, Macbeth, The Road to Serfdom, The Gulag Archipelago, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Antigone, Twelve Caesars, and Kon Tiki.


Uniforms                                                                                              $650


School: 2 x OCB (Oxford-Cloth Button-down) white, school tie, Brooks Brothers blazer, 2 x khaki pants                                         


Shop: 1 x Red Kap boiler suit                                                        $95                                                                                

School supplies                                                                                $125                                                                                                      

Pilot fountain pen with refill ink, Ticonderoga #2 pencils, pencil

sharpener, Fine Point Sharpies, leather notebook, and weekly agenda.


Shop tools/Equipment                                                                $500                                                                                     

Gloves, safety glasses, ear plugs, tool bag, hammer, wrench set, electric drill, screwdriver set, pliers, chisel, hand saw, duct tape, WD-40, and a Leatherman Sidekick.


Traditional Skills Project                                                        $5,500


Buying and restoring a used car or motorcycle; materials and supplies to build a boat.


Meals                                                                                                 $3,900


Based on a $15 per diem, 5 days a week


Instruction                                                                                     $6,500


Based on $250 per week for 26 weeks


Administrative                                                                             $1, 480


The administrative cost is less than 15% 


Total                                                                                                 $19,445


The difference you will make in someone else's life is sure to be nothing less than transformative. And who can put a price on that?




If you're a company and would like to sponsor a student in our Apprenticeship Program, the start dates are July 1st and January 1st.


The student will work forty hours a week at your company for six months for a total of 1,000 hours. You can expect they will be punctual, enthusiastic, flexible, and diligent. Professional and polite too. 


They can expect the following from you, after the initial orientation, and finding the best fit for both of you within your organization: respect, responsibility, and  the wonderful opportunity to make a meaningful contribution to your organization.


We like to say our "accreditation" isn't a piece of paper (like a diploma!), but earned by the caliber and character of our graduates. We guarantee that you won't be disappointed with the investment you are making in your own company, as well as supporting the Academy in our fight against mediocrity and entitlement.


The cost to sponsor an apprentice is $13,000, based on  a work schedule of 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, for 26 weeks, at $13 an hour which is the minimum wage in Rhode Island.


Wait! The numbers don't tell the whole truth. This is actually an incredible best-of-all-worlds bargain for both parties involved,  a textbook case of win-win. Where else can someone just starting out gain invaluable experience and real-world responsibility on the one hand, and a company can make a lifetime investment in the youth and future of this great nation on the other?​




The "Rally Around The Ivy League," which takes place the first week in September, is our annual fundraising event and a fantastic and fun four days of real camaraderie and fake racing. Ha!


If you would like to run or sponsor a car in the rally the cost is an all--inclusive $5,000.


This comes with the official welcome packet which has two of our classic Old's Cool polo shirts, two Old's Cool Tour t-shirts, two pairs of driving gloves, a road book, the wicked smart word game One Up!, and a hilarious assortment of stickers and decals. For example: DRIVE WRECKLESSLY.


This also includes the entry fee, three nights hotel accommodation (double occupancy), Canaan Raceway track pass, Mt. Equinox hillclimb ticket, and the chance to participate in an SCCA auto cross. As well as a bag lunch (for two) for all four days, bottled water, and, if needed, roadside support, both mechanical and moral. And just enough room for a picturesque breakdown that doesn't turn into an emotional one. 


Unlimited advice on how to win in life is also part of the package deal.​


To find out more about the Old's Cool Tour, click here.




A $1,000, $500, or $100 donation will allow us to purchase the various accoutrements: tools, shop equipment, and school supplies we need to grease the wheels of the Academy and keep them rolling in the right direction.


Please send your check to:

Old's Cool Academy

38 Charles Street

Newport, RI 02840​


We'll take almost anything.

Old's Cool Academy will accept contributions of real property; conservation easements; closely held securities; intellectual property such as patents, trademarks, and copyrights; works of music or art; licenses; royalties; automobiles; boats, planes, motorcycles, or any other motorized vehicles in any condition; or collectibles of any type if said contributions further the purposes of this organization. Old's Cool Academy will not accept donations if any conditions imposed by the donor on the contribution limit this organization’s ability to achieve its mission or force this organization to conduct activities that are not in furtherance of 501 (c) (3) purposes.


We will ensure that donations are accepted in accordance with

501 (c) (3) regulations and we will properly determine fair market

value according to Publication 561 of the IRS tax code.


The percentage of funds spent on actual programs is greater than 85%.


You can download the IRS donor form 8283 here.


If you have any questions, concerns, or comments, or just want more

information, please don't hesitate to contact us anytime on: or by calling (401) 572-7090.

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