Excellent English Opens Bigger Doors To Better Lives.
"If you can articulate yourself properly it's more valuable than you can possibly imagine–it makes you unbelievably powerful, capable of making coherent arguments and using language properly–is the best investment you can make in yourself and your future." – Dr. Jordan Peterson
Our private tutoring classes, either one-on-one or in groups of no more than three students at a time are tailored to the needs and goals of each individual. We offer classes either in person on a variety of subjects mostly centered around the English language (all levels, including English as a second language), creative writing (for both business and pleasure), an introduction to Classical Literature including the Western Canon; Shakespeare; a foundational understanding of world history; and effective public speaking.
Chat GP. AI. Grammerly. Yes, we've seen and heard it all. But nothing replaces the hard-core fundamentals of grammar and syntax, rote memorization, reading to actually understand, knowing how to ask the right questions, sober and focused critical thinking, and a thoughtful and trusted sounding board with years of wisdom and experience to help you mature and grow into a holistic human being. Which is the whole goal of the Academy.
To be able to express yourself clearly and persuasively is the best investment you can ever make in yourself, whether personally or in your career. But much more important is to learn how to be awake, alert and alive to what's going on around you, in your life or in nature in general. To know how to really pay attention to what you're studying and learning and to be able to synthesize it into lucid ideas and a common sense and grounded perspective. Your more powerful rhetoric and persuasive writing will become almost a by-product.
We'll start with the fundamentals of English grammar, syntax, and vocabulary. We'll also practice penmanship using the Zaner-Bloser Method, using the hand, wrist, forearm and shoulder to form letters, and thus actually using muscle and mind to write, and write better as a result. We'll discuss the nine parts of speech, the rules of syntax, punctuation, and expand our vocabulary.
Once we've got the basics covered, we'll analyze classical literature, famous poems, as well as passages from contemporary authors which will introduce students to the rigors of critical thinking, and, most importantly, how to ask the right questions. These works will also show our students what excellent writing in the real world looks like, and why. We'll dig down into the details of themes, different approaches to narrative, discuss tone and word choice, and then dissect rhythm, style, while always keeping in mind historical/literary context.
Lastly, we'll have students roll up their sleeves and write their own creative essays on various topics, as well as tackle several reading comprehension/critical essays assignments. The students will revise, edit and proofread each other's work. They will then read their own paper out loud so that they can actually hear what they wrote, and what it sounds like to everyone else. Is it what they actually put down on paper what they wanted to say? Are their arguments clear and understandable? Persuasive? And if not, why not? This is the art of rhetoric.
Public speaking is almost always an invaluable lesson in humility and self-awareness, and goes a long way to building confidence and inspiring students to literally stand up for themselves and what they believe in.
We don't "graduate" any students, per se. They can stay with us as long as they like–until they feel they're ready to conquer the world on their own terms and timeline with an enthusiastic adjective and well-placed exclamation point.
Even though we don't think college is the right choice for most of the youth of today, it is appropriate and necessary for some professions, i.e. doctors and lawyers. For those students interested in going the traditional route, for whatever reason, we teach the fundamentals of writing killer college personal statement application essays, (which applies to any supplemental essays as well) that will make your authentic self stand out and get noticed.
We'll walk you through a brainstorming session or two (which is essentially the Socratic Method of questions and answers), where we'll discuss essence objects, a values exercise, and twenty-one details exercise to come up with your unique theme. You'll then decide whether you want to use a narrative or a montage structure, and we'll discuss the pros and cons of each.
You'll also see the benefit of including in your essay a "why us" statement–how the school is uniquely positioned to meet your goals–and then concluding with a "so what?" This is where you provide an authentic and powerful punctuation mark that will illuminate your core values and fundamental reason for writing the essay in the first place.
Much of the same fundamentals of writing killer college personal statement application essays will also apply to crafting a personal and eye-catching job application. We also specialize in resume writing, especially for first-job seekers straight out of college.
Although we favor a simple, old-school approach to getting a job–be polite, on time, well-dressed, honest, while maintaining eye contact, admitting what you don't know or understand but stressing a willingness to learn. And then sending a handwritten thank-you note after–we can help you understand and learn how to express yourself better in writing and in person.
We'll start with a brainstorming session or two about your career goals as well as a values exercise, and twenty-one details exercise to come up with your unique profile. Again, you'll then decide whether you want to use a narrative or a montage structure, and we'll discuss the pros and cons of each.
You'll also see the benefit of including in your essay a "why do you want to work with us" statement, and then concluding with a "why me?"– that will lay out your value system and work ethic and the real reason you applied in the first place.

"Writing is thinking. To write well is to think clearly. That's why it's so hard."
- David McCullough
"I learned more from Mr. Cataldo than I did in the Navy."
– Michael Calais, U.S. Naval Academy, Class of 2025
"The teaching style is a dialectic, essentially. It's been an eye-opening and really, really fun experience. I'd recommend Old's Cool (Timothy Cataldo) to anyone. You won't regret it." – Julian John